Microsoft “tag” sucks!
What is Microsoft “tag”?
“tag” is a proprietary barcode format, developed by Microsoft.
Why is Microsoft “tag” important?
It isn’t! There are other, standard, non-proprietary barcode formats in use today, such as QR Code, that are capable of doing the same things!
Why is Microsoft “tag” bad?
– Proprietary format — can’t be used with other barcode readers, so I have to download a separate “tag” application from “http://gettag.mobi”. I already have at least 2 other barcode scanners — WHY should I have to download 1 more? Why don’t those other barcode scanners support “tag” format? BECAUSE IT’S PROPRIETARY, and they don’t what / need the hassle, nor the license fees! Why pay for something “free”?
– Privacy concerns — The “tag” scanner, by default, sends location data. In addition, it creates a unique device ID that can’t be disabled, and shares the device ID with both Microsoft and 3rd parties — meaning, you can be uniquely and individually tracked, whenever you scan a “tag”.
– Information remains in the “Microsoft Cloud” — Whatever content is in the “tag” is only viewable within the “tag” application. Sharing a tag, literally means sharing a tag LABEL, that the recipient can’t access except through the “tag” website. Meaning, even the RECIPIENT’s use of the information can be tracked, and likely, uniquely identified.
What can I do?
– Provide feedback to manufacturers and vendors that use “tag”. Let them know that your experience with “tag” was negative, and negatively influenced your experience with the product.
– Vote with your dollars. Don’t buy products and services that include “http://gettag.mobi” and funky barcodes.
Why use a proprietary format, requiring a proprietary application, that sends personal information to Microsoft as well as the 3rd party?
Use QR Codes instead: Open standard, supported by all barcode scanners, uses native applications (such as contacts and browser) instead of requiring “tag viewer”.
Be vocal about your position (for or against) “tag” format, and let people know WHY. Vote with your dollars, and be sure to let manufacturers and vendors know that their use of “tag” influences your buying decision.