Upgrading a site to Exchange 2003 from Exchange 5.5 by installing a new server in to the 5.5 site. The user mailboxes, public folders, distribution lists, and mail routing will be moved over to the new server.
The O (Organization) has already been upgraded to Exchange 2003, and several sites have already been upgraded, as well.
While running setup to install the first server in to this particular site, the following error message is displayed:
Failed to install sub-component Site Replication Service with error code 0xC1030B11
Looking at the Exchange setup log yielded the following excerpt:
[16:11:53] Attempting to add a replica of naming context /o=orgname/ou=sitename/cn=Microsoft DMD, from Server LONEXC02 to Server lonnts01
[16:11:58] Replication encountered a connection failure error.
[16:11:58] Replication encountered a recoverable error. About to sleep for 30 seconds.
[16:12:28] Sc_dra_replica_add (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\55dsinst\cdsinst.cxx:3912)
Error code 0XC1030B11 (2833): A connection could not be made to the remote directory service, possibly due to network failure. Be sure that both directory services are running and that your network is available, and then try connecting again.
[16:12:28] ScAddNCReplica (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\55dsinst\cdsinst.cxx:3759)
Error code 0XC1030B11 (2833): A connection could not be made to the remote directory service, possibly due to network failure. Be sure that both directory services are running and that your network is available, and then try connecting again.
[16:12:28] ScReplicateNCsBetweenSVs (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\55dsinst\cdsinst.cxx:3661)
The Exchange 5.5 server was unable to resolve the new Exchange 2003 server by name. DNS is integrated in to active directory, and the remote server’s DNS had not updated.
Added hosts file entry for newserver and to the hosts file of the Exchange 5.5 server.